Demo updates
Sun 12th August 2007
- Added a photo of the team on the Next demogroup page
- Updated the Barbitoric Demo page with the youtube video
- Updated the Buggy Boy Demo page with the youtube video

New games available
Sat 17th March 2007
- Better late than never, the Oric games page has been updated.
You can now dowload both 4k Kong and CycloTron games, complete with screen shots, documentation and source code.

Misc stuff
Sun 4th March 2007
- Updated my online resume
- The OSDK now has its own domaine

Mon 26th February 2007
A dear friend of mine, Jean-Michel Hervé, aka Tuo^Mandarine, passed away this morning. He is sorely missed.

Barbitoric video
Sat 17th February 2007
- Updated the Barbitoric Demo page with a downloadable video
I wish you all the best for 2007.
Ten year anniversary for Defence-Force !

OSDK 0.16
Wed 13th December 2006
- Replaced a part of the build process that was crashing Wine. It is now possible to compile an Oric program with the OSDK on a Linux machine.
- If you have DosBox installed, it is now possible to run Euphoric in a windowed mode.
- Updated the documentation with more interpage links.
- Upgraded Euphoric to the version 1007
- Added Bas2Tap as a native part of the OSDK. It is now possible to generate programs from a BASIC source code easily.
- Added a lot of options to fine tune the output of Bin2Txt, including the possibility to generate BASIC files.
- PictConv can now export pictures as BASIC DATA lines.
- PictConv can convert colored pictures that are not 240 pixels wide

OSDK 0.15
Wed 2nd August 2006
- Corrected a stupid mistake that led to invalid code generation

OSDK 0.14
Thu 1st June 2006
- Some new features in PictConv:
- If there is something specified after -o3 or -o4 modes, it's used as a label name to use when generating source code data.
- If there is a 'z' specified after -f0 mode (monochrome conversion), it means that bit 6 should not be set in converted bytes
- Added -n switch to set the number of values per line (stolen from Bin2Txt !)
- Update the documentation page about PictConv, it was severly lacking some important details -like file formats-

OSDK 0.13
Sun 4th June 2006
- Corrected a bug in the makefile (introduce in version 0.012) that make it impossible to compile C programs
- It is now possible to use .ASM extension for assembly source code, in addition to .S
- Added pictures of Windows 2000 and Windows XP system properties in the installation page.

OSDK 0.12
Sun 4th June 2006
- Corrected a bug in the linker that made it impossible to use the linker with only one source file
- Corrected a bug in the #file command in XA, it now correctly displays the file and line if an error happens during the second pass
- Corrected a bug in the handling of static function pointer generating bad code (1.29 code generator by Fabrice)
- Added an option to display the size of generated programs in Header

OSDK 0.11
Wed 1st March 2006
- Corrected a bug in the data unpacking code (overflow when offset was equal to 4096 exactly)
- Corrected a bug (hack) in XA that make it crash when processing too many levels of macro expansion
- Added a way to generate masks from a bitmap in PictConv
- Added support for Atari ST compatible bitmap data in PictConv
- Added an option in Bin2Txt to set the number of values per line of data
- Added a new program in the OSDK, MemMap with the associated osdk_showmap.bat to show how memory is used

Defence-Force's forum
Sat 7th January 2006
- A big addition to this site: We now have a discussion forum! Find out what's going on, voice your opinions, enjoy...

Phaleon Gigademo
Sun 1st January 2006
- Updated the Phaleon Gigademo page with a lot of screen shots
I wish you all the very best for 2006.
No update was done in 2005.
(This is the year I moved to Norway, I was very very busy)

Oric gallery update
Sat 4th September 2004
- Added a picture by Mermaid in the oric gallery

Member list
Sun 15th August 2004
- A page with the Defence Force team members in the Oric section

Buggy Boy
Sat 14th August 2004
- A page about the Buggy Boy demo in the Oric section

New magazine
Mon 31st May 2004
- Added a 'Personal Software' magazine issue dedicated to the Oric in the Oric library

Updated resume
Sun 23rd May 2004
- Updated my Curiculum Vitae page !

OSDK 0.10
Thu 1st January 2004
- Corrected bug in the memset routine: it was trashing the first byte that follow the routine.
- Added screenshots of Euphoric menu, boot sequence and debugger in action

OSDK 0.9
Thu 1st January 2004
- Corrected a bug in the data unpacking code
- Corrected a bug in the EQW_DI macro instruction
- Modified the linker to handle pure assembly code projects (SET OSDKLINK=-B in the configuration file)
- Modified the linker to make it not complain about .( and .)
- Modified the linker to add #file directives in order to get valid error messages (file/line) from XA assembler
- Modified the linker to makes it accept /* */ comments (was previously crashing badly)
- Modified the assembleur to accept the #file directive
- Modified the makefile to accept a OSDKCOMP variable to handle compiler optimisation settings
- Updated Euphoric to release 1.004a
- Added 'testing' mode to PictConv
- Added a 'do not save header' mode to FilePack
- Added a new sample project: 4KKong game

More books
Mon 13th October 2003
- Added two books in the Oric library.

More art
Mon 13th October 2003
- Added two pictures from D. Vasiljevic in the oric gallery.

More art
Sun 30th March 2003
- Major update of the Oric Gallery page.
- Creation of an Atari gallery page.
- Oric and Atari pictures have been removed from the picture section.

Barbitoric best of
Wed 22nd January 2003
- Updated the Oric Gallery page with Barbitoric demo pictures.

Barbitoric demo
Sun 19th January 2003
- A page about the Barbitoric demo is now available in the Oric demo section.
I wish you all a very nice year 2003.

OSDK 0.8
Fri 1st November 2002
- Corrected bug in the code generator: floating point code is now working.
- Made some improvements in the build and execute batch files.
- Added already made Visual Studio projects and workspaces.

OSDK 0.7
Fri 1st November 2002
- Corrected bug in the code generator: function pointers are now working correctly.
- Corrected bug in the code generator: NULL pointers as parameters are now working correctly.
- Corrected bug in memset, it was crashing !
- Added configuration information on how to use VisualC++ and UltraEdit for editing.
- Added some definitions in the glossary.
- Added a page with the 6502 instruction set.

OSDK 0.6
Fri 1st November 2002
- Corrected bug with -u option of FilePack (was not working anymore)
- Corrected various problems in the documentation (spelling, html errors)
- Added version number on the first documentation page.

OSDK 0.5
Fri 1st November 2002
- Corrected error in Bin2Txt documentation
- Corrected problem with the 'tmp' folder that was missing in the Zip archive
- Added FreeImage.dll (needed for PictConv)

OSDK 0.4
Fri 1st November 2002
- Updated code generator and macros for the C compiler.
- Updated tape header manager, can now remove headers and set autorun flag
- Added FilePack, Bin2Txt, PictConv, WriteDsk, Tap2Cd and Tap2Wav
- Added this documentation :)
- Added two samples (picture display, and file decompression)
- Added 'file_unpack' function
- Corrected bug in 'clock' function
- XA symbol table is now compatible with Euphoric debuger format

Assembly 2002
Sun 11th August 2002
- Assembly 2002 invtro is now available in the Oric demo section.

Sun 30th June 2002
- Some photos taken during the STNICCC 2000 and Volcanic 4 demo parties in the Oric section.

Demo links
Sat 29th June 2002
- Update of the links into the demo scene section.

Very Important Party
Fri 28th June 2002
- Some photos taken during VIP3 and VIP4 demo party in the Oric section.

Mon 24th June 2002
- A new tool is available in the Oric programming section: A file packer.

Oric Gallery
Sat 22nd June 2002
- A new section: The Oric Gallery.

User manuals
Sun 16th June 2002
- Two new books in the oric library: Cumana disk drive and MCP40 printer user manuals.

Thu 13th June 2002
- Since the VIP 4 demo party is now finished, you can now download our Oric demo on it's dedicated page.

Golden Web Award
Thu 30th May 2002
- I've been awarded the 2002-2003 Golden Web Award. That's cool !

Mon 27th May 2002
- Few more pictures in the passion section. One link to the Paint Shop Pro web site.

Oric manual
Mon 20th May 2002
- Ten new books (Pravetz 8D, manuals) in the Oric library.

French videogames
Sun 12th May 2002
- Update of the Time Commando page in the video game / adeline software section.

Oric DOS manual
Wed 1st May 2002
- The Oric Dos 1.1 can now be downloaded in the Oric library.
- Added a picture of my MegaSTE in the Atari hardware section.

Sun 21st April 2002
- PictConv can now be downloaded in the Oric development section.

Bulgarian Madness
Sat 20th April 2002
- Photos of Pravetz 8D motherboard in the Oric Hardware section.
- A new book in the Oric library: The Pravetz 8D user manual.

French videogames
Sun 7th April 2002
- A new company: Babylon Software.

French videogames
Mon 11th March 2002
- Three new companies: 4x technologies, in utero, et yeti interactive.
- The patched version of Phaleon demo is available: Start your emulators !

French videogames
Sun 17th February 2002
- Update of the Little Big Adventure page.
- The videogame company list was split in two parts. The living and the deads.

French companies
Wed 6th February 2002
- Update of the page about Lankhor (R.I.P.).
- A new video game companie: T-Bot interactive.

OSDK 0.3
Sat 12th January 2002
- Lots of modification. The setup/use is a lot simpler than before.
- A complete manual with pictures explaining how to configurate the OSDK to use from Visual Studios.
- Euphoric is integrated into the release

Floppy disk manuals
Tue 1st January 2002
- The french version of the sedoric and microdisc manual is available as a HTML file in the oric library.
I wish you all a very nice year 2002.
Too bad that '2001, a space odyssey' did not happen...
pfuuuu :'(

Oric manuals
Wed 14th November 2001
- The french version of the oric atmos manual is available as a PDF file in the oric library

Misc changes
Tue 2nd October 2001
- Update of the Lankhor page. Their website is back online
- The oric hardware section now present a oric to scart video converter.

Oric programming books
Sat 4th August 2001
- Large update of the 'Oric programming' section
- All the site has been checked for typos

OSDK 0.2
Wed 1st August 2001
- Correction of a bug in the header creator

More books
Fri 22nd June 2001
- General update on the Oric library, with two downloadable books (the Oric 1 user manual, and Geoff Phillips book)
- The Extense site search engine has been replaced by the Google one.

OSDK 0.1
Thu 1st March 2001
- First official version of the OSDK

Oric manuals
Wed 7th February 2001
- General update on the oric library !!!
Check out the http://www.vachealait.com page to learn the latest news on big money consumer incursions.
If you are tired of paying for everything and for nothing for all the bad reasons in the world, sign the petition.
Ensuring that 'poor' artists continue to earn their money is not a bad thing in itself. But taxing everything and everything becomes downright disgusting ...
For example, I have a CD burner, two PCs, an Atari Mega STE and a network oric, as well as a DreamCast console and a PlayStation (one).
After a quick calculation, I came to about 120 original software, 16 DVD movies, a good fifty audio CDs, and 3 games in pirate version.
Yes, 3 pirated games, but these are games that I own the original that do not run on my PC because of the protection.
The music ? I buy CDs whenever I want. So why a burner?
Well for backing up, archiving, exchanging data between home and work, and transferring oric software from their cassettes to audio CDs (more reliable!).
My question: Why should I pay a tax on products that do not serve me to harm copyright?
(Basically, this page explains why some French organisation wants to apply a taxation on any numeric product that can be used to store, stream, listen any numeric data that could be protected by copyrights...)

Library update
Mon 15th January 2001
- The magazine section of the oric library has been updated. The CEO mag part has been totally modified !

More magazines
Sat 2nd January 2010
- A 'Rhetoric' page in the oric library
Happy new year everybody. I hope you got a nice year 2000, and that the year 2001 will be even better !

Sun 31st December 2000
- This is the last update for that millennium...It should have been done before, but I was the victim of a hard drive failure !
- Added screenshots of the Oric demo that won the first place at the STNICCC 2000.
Today is Christmas !!!
Merry Christmas everybody !

Another award
Wed 13th December 2000
- The International Association of Web Masters and Designers give that site the '2000-2001 Golden Web Award'

Web ring
Wed 13th December 2000
- Add a link to the 6502 web ring on the main oric page
This is the 24 november: official release date of the PlayStation 2 in France.
Today I decided to buy a DreamCast with lots of games, two pads and a VM.
The total costs less than a PlayStation 2 without anything else...

More books
Sun 19th November 2000
- Large update of the 'Basic programming books' in the oric library

More books
Sun 29th October 2000
- The complete covers of Théoric, Micr'Oric, Oric Owner and Oric Computing in the oric library

More books
Sun 8th October 2000
- Two books and one magazine in the oric library
- The design document part has been updated.

Contact section
Sun 4th June 2000
- Added a nice photo of Lyon, with a link on the web site
- Added a link to the web site of Angers

French companies
Sat 27th May 2000
- A new company in the list: WideScreen Games
- The pages about Arkane Studios and Eden Studios have been updated
Was in holidays in USA from 6th to 21th of may 2000.

A lot of changes
Sun 23rd January 2000
- The charts and the Phaleon now have dedicated pages
- The .ST files of the Phaleon demo and charts can now be downloaded
- A lot of texts and screen shots of the Phaleon dome...
- Some dead links removed
- A new page about my recent demo making participations
- Some links on demomaking web sites

First Y2K update
Wed 12th January 2000
- A new company in the list: QuanticDream
- Two new links on the video game links: Hugo Elias page and FlipCode.com
Add a link on the ARTICLE 11 page.
Basically, this page explains why some French 'censoring' organisation wants to control (they say 'regulate') the internet.
Doing that, they deny to the citizens the right to control their life themselves.
I wish you all a very nice year 2000. The famous bug does not cause the annouced apocalypse... :)

Misc stuff
Wed 29th December 1999
- I forgot a French videogame company: Kalisto.
- Arkane Studios is born

I'm late!
Sat 2nd October 1999
- Look at the date just above: The last update was in march !
- Video games: I've modified the Adeline Software page, and added a page about Lankhor following a mail informing me of the opening of their website.
- Oric: A new page in the 'hardware' section. Plenty of scans of oric motherboards, and a complete description of main components. It's a preparation job that will lead to the 21th century Oric design :)

Here we go again
Tue 23rd March 1999
- Ok, time to get back to job. Defence-Force.org running again.
On strike until the 23th of march 1999.
Why on strike ?
Because French law are totaly outdated when it concerns Internet. But they still are used.
So, numerous French web-masters were on-strike to request a clear, efficient reglementation...

Misc stuff
Tue 19th January 1999
- I received the 1999 Web Academy certification. Thanks.
- Just hope the will like my logo :)
- Links for downloading .MOD files should now works fine.

Misc stuff
Fri 27th November 1998
- I received the 'Ravi's Elite Award'. Cool, and thanks again :)
- The oric library has been redesigned and extended.

New logo!
Sun 1st November 1998
- New Defence Force logo
- Added a few external links.

Sun 18th October 1998
- The 'Mike' (it's me) homepage is online. With pictures, curiculum vitae, and so on...

Sun 11th October 1998
- It seems that the new site style was not cool enough... I took notes so here is now the new version, more colourful. I'm waiting for next critics...

Sat 26th September 1998
- I finally made a decision about my 'editorial line' ... So far, I have always spoken on my page that things 'politically correct', no risk of annoying anyone, if not not the subject itself (obsolete stuff and cie ...).My decision is that eventually I'll talk about things that really hold my heart, to know why the universe turns square, why it's not always the guys who win, why programs crash, etc ...But hey, I must already redo all the architecture of the site, index the pages, delete the frames, etc ...No animated gif, no web counter, removal of banners, removal of the external links page (which will be placed in each thematic section ...). In short, it's a job!

Wed 23rd September 1998
- Registered Defence-Force in search engines and directories
- Start contacting webmasters that have links on my old page
- Change HOL pages with 'this page move here' message

Tue 22nd September 1998
- Errors 401 and 404 now are correctly displayed
Was in holidays in USA from 8th to 20th of september 1998.

Wed 26th August 1998
- Added this new page called "what's new ?"
- Modified all the bad adresses in the pages

Sun 16th August 1998
- I decided that this new site will be English AND French. Boring to do, but worth while !

Sat 15th August 1998
- InterNIC registered my domain name. Cool !
- Transfer of the site to SimpleNet who is my new provider

ISP change
Fri 1st August 1997
- HOL (my first ISP) sends a mail saying that it will stops all web activities. And ask us to continue with AOL. Thanks you, bye.

Here we go!
Sat 1st March 1997
- My personal homepage is now online! Welcome to http://wwwperso.hol.fr/~mpointie